My Project
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345678]
 gmatrix.hDefine geometric matrix
 gvector.hDefine geometric vector
 button.hButton interface class
 combobox.hCombobox interface class
 interface.hCommon draw interface class
 rectangle.hRectangle interface class
 text.hText interface class
 modification.hBase modification object class
 transformationmatrix.hMatrix to modificate object in 3D surface
 baseobject.hBase object
 brick.hModel basement
 composite.hComposite class
 face.hDefine face consisting 3 links to vetices
 normal.hDefine normal (object container for GVector)
 vertex.hDefine vertex consisting 3 double coordinates
 camera.hCamera object
 cameramodification.hModidy camera